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Skilled Migration Category Sub-stream (SMC)
New Zealand is apparently one of the safest countries in the world. The category that is most suitable for applying for immigration to New Zealand is the Skilled Migration Category (SMC).
The Skilled Migration Category (SMC) allows skilled workers to live and work in New Zealand on a permanent basis. A point-based and step-by-step immigration method is applicable to invite skilled migrants under this category. A lot of factors are taken into account such as age, work experience, qualification, language ability, and character requirements.
The points are checked using the NZ PR points calculator
So, if you have skills, qualifications, or experience that is required in the New Zealand Labour market, then it is easy to apply for a resident under the skilled migrant category..
Who is Eligible to Apply for New Zealand PR Process?
To become eligible for the NZ PR process, you must meet the following requirements:
You must be under 55 years of age at the time of lodgment
You must have sufficient years of work experience along with occupation listed on relevant New Zealand Occupational Demand Lists.
You must have your education and work experience in accordance with each other
You must have an overall IELTS 6.5 or 58 in PTE bands to become eligible for New Zealand PR
You must be in good health
The systematic way for Skilled Migration Category (SMC):
The first stage is getting your Pre Assessment Report (PAR) Test that checks whether your education and university are recognized as per the New Zealand educational standards or not. If your education or university is not recognized then PAR is a mandatory requirement otherwise you can proceed without PAR as well.
More than 90 percent of the Universities are not recognized by the New Zealand educational standards and thus, almost every migrant applying for SMC is asked to take PAR.
The next stage after getting a successful PAR report is to submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) for a resident under the skilled migrant category in a proper manner. EOI is a point-based system that calculates scores for various factors like age, educational qualification, work experience, language ability, and other factors.
To become eligible to apply for New Zealand PR, you must have at least 100 points out of 340 on New Zealand Assessment Grid.
The eligible applicants who have a score of 100 and above are put into the EOI pool where the highest-ranking applicant is selected from the pool by the Minister of Immigration through regular draws.
The current selection point for New Zealand Permanent Resident is 160 points
The next stage is Full Assessment where the selected applicants must evaluate their full profile (education and experience)
After successful completion of the assessment and the PR filing, kindly wait for the outcome in 45 working days.